2015년 4월 18일 토요일

My Quizelt

SHELF Project

I'd like to talk about study group.
Through strudy group, We can improve our study skills.

shairng their own ways how to stduy
testing vocabulary quiz with penalty
present about the topic what they want

Then, group members stimulate studying each other and take an interested.

2015년 4월 13일 월요일

Feedback: what girls like from men?

There was a topic about what grls like from men?
It was hei soek's idea. I have interested in his topic. So, I participated in his group.
There were only two members he and I.
We planed to survey some girls in this campus.
We recorded 20 girls' voice and made a video with their voice's with some pictures and a chart.

On wednesday, we discussed about our topic with an audience.
he was a great. he also had a interesting our topic.
Each person has their own type what they want.
We got this result from 20 grlrs.

It was great experience for me.
It was exiting activity.

2015년 4월 1일 수요일

Voice inflection

This video is about a lesson in voice inflection.
Voice inflction means to change your voice.
It can mean more than the actual words that are spoken.

This particular video focused on the importance of voice inflection in conversation.